Saturday, February 28, 2009

Academic Progress Charter

Work Group Name: Academic Progress

Work Group Chairs:
Mr. David K. Moldoff []
Ms. Clare Smith-Larson []

Dr. Afshin Mikaili []

To Be Assigned (Manage Academic Progress Calendar)

Founding Members:
Iowa State University
Kaplan University

Description of Work: To Develop a Community Specification for Tracking and Assessing a Learner's Academic Progress through institutional programs of study

Background: Academic Progress is the group of processes, defined by events, attributes of data, business rules, inputs and outputs that reflect the means to collect learning outcomes, assess their impact on program requirements and determine placement in further courses of study, toward meeting the objectives of the learner's path. A learner is a student who participates in formal programs of study offered by academic institutions.

Areas of Focus:
- Framing the academic progress workflow discussion
- Outlining the functional areas, priorities
- US and Worldwide implications
- Building the case for a messaging architecture
- Identifying publishers and subscribers of data
- Recognizing authoritative sources, destinations and dependencies
- Developing a list of prospective message objects mapped
- List agnostic interfaces crossing applications inside and outside of an institution
- Developing an implementation framework
- Elements and validation, business rules
- Events, attributes of data
- Interface Points

Rationale: There are many reasons to focus on Academic Progress as a key topic for creating data exchange specifications. Here are three good reasons:

· First, learners are mobile, moving through many stages of learning, crossing boundaries both physical and logical, and creating data reflecting events, processes and outcomes that interact across many points and uses inside one institution and crossing into another.

· Second, is the challenge to streamline the interactions of users and application systems designed to serve a portion of users and uses, often resulting in duplication of effort, gaps in functions, and lack of open access to accurate data and broken chains of work flow.

· Third, is the need to make progress reporting and the measures easier for all constituents to utilize, as they interact.


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